Are you looking for a way out?

Do you Feel

➤ Like you are stuck in a dead end job/career?

➤ Like you are struggling to get ahead or have time with, friends , family or for what is important to you?

➤ That you are barely surviving? 

➤ Frustrated and overwhelmed because the conditions around your job and career are offering you very limited opportunities?

➤ Like you do not belong in your job/career and that there MUST be other people that feel the same way that you do?

You are not alone and its not your fault!

The game is rigged. We are all operating in a system of oppression that makes it feel impossible to get out of. Everything from corporate interest and greed to politics and even religion is a part machine that can make you feel stuck and hopeless. 

Find your path to financial freedom and stability by collaborating with other entrepreneurs

Join the Non-Partisan Entrepreneurial Society and release the bonds of partisan, big corporate business interests.



Make a choice! use your voice!

Big corporate business controls the current 2 party system which creates

division and conflict.

That utilizes misinformation, sensationalism and propaganda that segments the people into partisan groups.



Party a ⇾

⇽ Party b

The Establishment has us so busy fighting amongst ourselves that

we fail to see that The Establishment itself is the source of the problem. 

Politics, religion, the economy, race.

Many other divisive topics can be added here.   War, conservative, liberal, judicial and political reform, etc.  etc. There is so much to cover in recognizing how our lives are affected that we have created resources and information for you to check out.

What if The way out is to start a business for little or no money?

➤ Minimal barrier to entry, low operating cost, low investment and a way to monetize and generate revenue quickly.

➤ Whether or not you want to start a Shopify store, Amazon store or are become a local freelancer it doesn’t matter what type of business you have, what these types of businesses all have in common is that you can get started for little or no money from the comfort of your own home. There is no overhead, no inventory and physical stores front so that you can easily and gradually make a business that evolves into your freedom. 

➤ You will get to make all the decisions and become the leader of your life but the problem that comes with being the leader is that it's all on you. 

The solution

Not impacted by big corporate interests


 Declare your independence and join the side hustle revolution to ensure your financial freedom and stability.

Not influenced by partisan interests


Introducing the non Partisan entrepreneurial society 

Online community, support and simple business building tools and steps that can help you create a side hustle that over time will create the financial stability you need to ensure your freedom.

Join us

If you have made it this far then NPES is for you!

We are committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community where entrepreneurs can share knowledge, overcome challenges, and achieve their business goals. By joining our community, you become part of a dynamic ecosystem dedicated to entrepreneurial success.

WE the people

  • Declare your independence

    From Partisan Ideology.

  • Make a choice

    To Become A Non Partisan Entrepreneur.

  • Use your voice

    And ensure our financial freedom and make the world better place.